Thursday, December 26, 2019

Introduction to Management - 999 Words

The formation of organization implies that a leader should take the role to control the activities of the group; the work done by the leader is what we call management. Organization and the definition of Management Organization is formed by a group of people who work together. No matter the organization is a profit making ones or non-profit making ones, its formations are to achieve a common purpose or variety of goals, which are the desired future outcomes. The outcomes might be producing a series of product or serving a group of target customers or satisfying others ¡Ã‚ ¦ needs. In these organizations, managers mainly are responsible to supervising the work performance of the group members and deciding the use of resources to achieve†¦show more content†¦The study of management could help me to deal with my jobs and bosses. Moreover, it can be guidelines for me to further developing in my management skills. The theory of management led me to see the motivation of managers doing which I always overlook before. Besides, I will know whether my managers doing things right or wrong while they are reaching their goals. It is useful for my management development, since to develop my management skills is based on what I have learnt from the management course, different ideas are then developed in my knowledge base. It let me know how to analyze, understand, explain, or even making prediction about the management of the organizations. Apart from working in the future, it is also useful while I have to do group works with my classmates. When we start to do a project, we need to highlight the aims and requirements of the project, this is the process of planning. Then we will distribute works to members in our group by topic, which is organizing. While we have disagreement, a leader should resolve the conflict, that is leading. Lastly, a final check is done by the group leader to see if we did the right things base on the given topics, this is controlling. Before the studies of the Management, I really didn ¡Ã‚ ¦t know why the above process should be done. However, now I have a clear picture while dealing with my group work. And I know that the above progress is important to control our work result. On the otherShow MoreRelatedIntroduction Of Management And Management935 Words   |  4 PagesINTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT ACCONTING OVERRATE PLC Management meeting Small, medium or large companies, have one thing in common, make profit, and to make profit we need to make sure that the income has covered all the costs. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Parenting Amy Chua vs. Hanna Rosin - 953 Words

Bridget Johnston Writing 101S Writing Assignment 1: Comparison and Contrast Essay March 22, 2015 Parenting: Amy Chua vs. Hanna Rosin Is there a right way to raise your child? There are really no set rules on how to raise your child, as we can see throughout the articles written by Amy Chua, a self-described â€Å"Chinese Tiger Mom† and Hanna Rosin, a â€Å"Western Mother,† in The Wall Street Journal in January 2011. These articles show that the two authors have completely different parenting styles. On one hand, Amy Chua believes kids should not go to sleepovers, be in school plays, and get anything less than As in school except for gym. Meanwhile, Hannah Rosin believes that children need some freedom to express themselves. There are many†¦show more content†¦Living in a household with western style parenting, I disagree with Amy Chua. Yes, your parents want you to do better but most do not run and blame it on the school or school system. The next big difference concerns extracurricular and social activities for children. Chua opposes sleepovers and play dates. Like Rosin, if I had children I would definitely allow them to have sleepovers. Throughout my life some of my best memories of me and my friends revolved around them. Sleepovers and play dates (especially) are an essential part of childhood because it helps with social and trust skills. The next good topic Rosin mentioned was â€Å"the oddest part of Ms. Chua’s parenting prescription is that it exists wholly apart from any passion or talent.† (Rosin) If you are going to play an instrument it should be for the love of it and not the â€Å"fame† or awards. According to Chua â€Å"Chinese parents believe they know what is best for their children and therefore override all of their children’s own desires and preferences.† They also believe their children owe them everything and must repay them by obeying them and making them proud. Chua gives the example of when her daughter was seven and could not play a piano piece properly, Chua threatened to give away her dollhouse piece by piece, not give her food, Christmas or Hanukah presents, or birthday parties until she got the piano piece right.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Catholic Church Experience Essay Example For Students

Catholic Church Experience Essay Recently, I had a chance to attend the St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church. Before I have entered the Church, I believed that attending Catholic Mass would be almost identical to other services I was attending before in terms of my religion. Nevertheless, I have faced the different atmosphere from the very first steps I walked through the front doors. The church I decided to visit was named in honor of Maximilian Kolbe, who envisioned a number of missionary centers around the world and was proclaimed to be a â€Å"Patron Saint of the difficult century.† Despite the life challenges and difficult conditions he experienced on a regular basis, the thing that helped him to overcome all the life difficulties was his strong religion and sincere belief in God. In fact, this belief gave him the dignity to live and die as an honest person. When I arrived at the church, I have already read some basic information about the peculiarities of Catholic service and beliefs. Nevertheless, I st ill was a bit unsure to enter the Church, and the unknown environment around made me feel a bit uncomfortable. The differences I noticed actually impressed me and I felt very foreign at the beginning. The building Inside the building, I was impressed by the beauty of the church decorations and cleanliness. There were no doubts that the altar servers also pay a lot of attention to maintaining the quality of such a beautiful place. There were a lot of stained-glass windows inside that impressed with their rich ornaments. Also, I have truly liked the Stations of the Cross with the depiction of Jesus Christ. It was placed right above the altar. It should be mentioned that it basically the portrayal of Jesus Christ on the cross that helped me to see the similarities of the Catholic Church with the one at my home and reconsider all the stereotypes I had before about Catholicism. I understood the first important similarity that Catholics also believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross because of all sinful actions of humanity. The behavior of people during the service Then, Mass began, and the altar servers approached the altar holding the cross in their hands. The altar servers greatly assisted the priests during the service. Then, the priests would also ask for the congregation to ask for the forgiveness of their sins. As they walked above the altar, they read the scriptures and continued the congregation saying â€Å"Lord have mercy.† The reading of the sacred writings ended with the statement â€Å"Thanks be to God.† It was actually interesting to see the service that was unfamiliar to me. The thing that also could not leave one indifferent is the hymns that were vigorously sung throughout the ceremony. In fact, I felt that the hymns drive the overall process and greatly emphasize the presence of God and Jesus Christ. Although I was truly engaged in the ceremony, I continued to examine the design of the building and behaviors of people inside the Church. Therefore, my attention was driven to a Deacon who was dressed in a beautiful prayer shoal crossway. Also, I have notice priests wearing long black robes known as cassocks. Basing on my experience, I may say that the Mass is a very vital ritual to all Catholics. First, people visit the Mass to reinforce their beliefs. Also, the Mass reminds Catholics about the importance of adhering to the rules described in the teachings of God. Therefore, it was interesting to see that every skipped Mass without a profound reason for that is equal to the commitment of mortal sin. Otherwise, only in case a person is ill or cares for the sick, he or she misses the Mass with a clear conscience. .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 , .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .postImageUrl , .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 , .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:hover , .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:visited , .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:active { border:0!important; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:active , .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8 .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3661af21ee5aeb589fbea54952e325f8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: None Provided10 EssayAlso, one of the things that made me feel the most uncomfortable was the overall ceremony. Almost every five minutes I felt truly lost. In fact, the masses were moving synchronically and I could not follow them in the same way. Although I did my best, almost all the time I felt myself more like an outsider. However, I cannot really say that I felt unwelcome. Even more, the atmosphere in the Church helped me to understand that it does not really matter where I am in my faith journey right now. Catholics extended to me a warm welcome and helped me to feel like I am a part of their community. In addition to this, I would like to underline the good organization of the service and its adhering to the time schedule. The amount of time people spent in prayer was equal to those time mentioned in advance in the pamphlet that was given me in the entrance. I noticed how time becomes an important factor for Catholics as the service exactly followed the pamphlet. The service lasted for two hours. Besides, it is very important to mention that nearly half of the hour was spent while praying. The number of different announcements during the service was minimized, and I truly appreciated that. During the service, Catholics did everything that bible scriptures required, including kneeling and raising their hands to pray and ask for forgiveness. Conclusion about my experience Summarizing all the memories mentioned above, I may say without any doubts that my experience of visiting the St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church has exceeded even my expectations. Although the service was approximately two hours long, the time has passed really quickly as many different activities took place during the service. Also, I liked the voluntarism of Catholics as most people tried to help in various parts of the service and tried to approach the new-comers like me as warm as possible. The overall service was really interactive, and I liked how organized, and synchronically Catholics moved and prayed. To be honest, before my experience of visiting the Church, I had mainly negative thoughts about Catholicism. In fact, I have faced a variety of rumors stating that Catholics people pray mainly to Mary rather than Jesus Christ or God. However, the reality made me really reconsider the Catholic practices and created a number of unanswered questions.   I opened to myself a lot of new information in terms of the religion and have an opportunity to compare the service in the Catholic Church to the service I have visiting the Church in my hometown. Although Catholics have a strong religion and identical faith in Jesus Christ, their Mass differs greatly from what I have experienced before.   Therefore, the overall experience of visiting the Catholic Mass was actually different from what I was expecting. However, I really enjoyed the experience, and, even more, I recommend every person who wants to understand what the essence of the Catholic religion is to have a visit to the Church and see how a sacred space, objects, sincere people, and times make the overall experience unforgettable. All in all, I would recommend every person of other religions to repeat my Catholic Church experience to understand my feelings and emotions.

Monday, December 2, 2019

No, no, no, youre all doing it wrong! The secret Essays

"No, no, no, you're all doing it wrong! The secret to developing realistic drawings lies in your ability to study every nuance of the object in front of you," my art teacher advised. "Try sketching with one eye closed; it's all about perspective, people!" My classmates accepted his advice and I watched as they attempted to make sense of the lifeless apples and pears that lay on the desk in front of them. I, too, clamped my left eye shut, pretending that this technique altered my view in the same manner it affected my peers. It didn't. With one eye closed, my fruit appeared precisely the same as it had with both eyes open. As a result of a Retinoblastoma diagnosis at two years old, my world, which my parents dotingly refer to as "Jillian's world," has always appeared slightly different from that of others. I have no recollection of having binocular vision, so depth perception has always been a non-existent ability. For the majority of my childhood, I felt ashamed by my prosthetic eye, purposely pushing my hair toward the left side of my face and avoiding all eye contact that surpassed ten seconds. I hated that my eyes did not appear the same, and constantly worried how others would perceive my abnormality. It was not until last summer, when I received a government scholarship to study Hindi in India, that my perspective regarding "Jillian's world" was altered by one unlikely symbol: the swastika. I encountered it upon entering my host-family's home for the first time. It was plastered directly on top of their front doorstep in between two mosaic footprints. I had seen the swastika millions of times in history books and documentaries, but blatantly confronting it in person was an entirely different story. My heart started to sting as images of skeletal bodies and families torn apart raced through my head. The swastika was the face of the bigotry and discrimination that I strongly denounced. I could not wrap my head around the fact that I was about to spend my summer with people who displayed a hate symbol in front of their home. Within a matter of days I discovered that my host-family was the complete antithesis of the negative characteristics I had originally associated with the swastika. They took me to lavish weddings and temples and taught me how to cook Indian cuisine. My host-mom showed me traditional techniques to create art and we shared many laughs at my many failed attempts at bargaining with market shopkeepers in Hindi. By the mid-way point in my program I had fallen in love with my host-family and their vibrant culture. It was then that I realized that I needed to take another look at the swastika through my host-family's lens. One afternoon, I asked my host-mom what the symbol meant in her culture, informing her that it was an infamous hate symbol in the United States. Her response is forever ingrained in my memory. With wide eyes and a furrowed brow, she answered, "A hate symbol? No no, we believe the swastik is a symbol for peace and good fortune. Why is it hateful?" When I mentioned the Holocaust, she appeared even more confused. After further researching the symbol, I found that the swastika, known as the swastik in Hindi, had been a Hindu symbol of peace thousands of years before it was ever a symbol of evil. We sat across from each other, both amazed at how our views of one symbol could oppose one another, yet be equally valid in their own respect; this was the beauty of perspective.Since returning from India, I now push my hair away from my face with headbands and my fear of sustained eye contact has vanished. My disability does not limit "Jillian's world," but rather, gives me the ability to see far and wide, apples and pears included.